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A cheat sheet for Terraform CLI

A cheat sheet for Terraform CLI

This is a cheat sheet for Terraform.

Terraform CLI Bash

Setup tab auto-completion, requires logging back in

terraform -install-autocomplete

Format and Validate Terraform Code

Format code

terraform fmt

Validate code for synthax errors

terraform validate

Validate code without checking backend validation

terraform validate -backend=false

Terraform Init

Initialize Terraform in current directory, pull down providers

terraform init

Initialize Terraform in current directory, do not pull down providers

terraform init -get-plugins=false

Initialize Terraform in current directory, do not verify Hashicorp signature

terraform init -verify-plugins=false

Plan, Apply and Utilities

Apply changes without being prompted to enter “yes”

terraform apply --auto-approve

Destroy infrastructure without being prompted to enter “yes”

terraform destroy --auto-approve

Output the plan to a file : plan.out

terraform apply plan.out

Plan a destroy

terraform plan -destroy

Apply on a target resource

terraform apply -target=aws_instance.my_ec2

Variables into command

terraform apply -var my_region_variable=eu-central-1

Lock : the state file so it can’t be modified by any other Terraform apply or modification action (possible only where backend allows locking)

terraform apply -lock=true

Refresh : Do not reconcile state file with real-world resources(helpful with large complex deployments for saving deployment time)

terraform apply refresh=false

Refresh : Reconcile the state in Terraform state file with real-world resources

terraform refresh

Parallelism : Number of simultaneous resource operations

terraform apply --parallelism=5

Providers : get informations about the current providers

terraform providers

Terraform Workspaces

Create a new workspace

terraform workspace new mynewworkspace

Switch to another workspace

terraform workspace select anotherworkspace

List all workspaces

terraform workspace list

Terraform State

Show details stored in Terraform state for the resource

terraform state show aws_instance.my_ec2

Pull terraform state to a file

terraform state pull > terraform.tfstate

Move a resource tracked via state to different module

terraform state mv aws_iam_role.my_ssm_role module.custom_module

Replace an existing provider with another

terraform state replace-provider hashicorp/aws registry.custom.com/aws

List out all the resources tracked via the current state file

terraform state list

Remove a resource from the state, it doesn’t delete the resource

terraform state rm  aws_instance.myinstace

Terraform Import

Import EC2 instance

terraform import aws_instance.new_ec2_instance i-abcd1234

Import EC2 instance with a count

terraform import 'aws_instance.new_ec2_instance[0]' i-abcd1234

Terraform Outputs

List all outputs as stated in code

terraform output

List out a specific declared output

terraform output instance_public_ip

List all outputs in JSON format

terraform output -json

Terraform Taint

Taint resource to be recreated on next apply

terraform taint aws_instance.my_ec2

Remove taint from a taint resource

terraform untaint aws_instance.my_ec2

Terraform Console

echo an expression into terraform console and see its expected result as output

echo 'join(",",["foo","bar"])' | terraform console

Terraform console also has an interactive CLI just enter “terraform console”

echo '1 + 5' | terraform console

Display the Public IP against the “my_ec2” Terraform resource as seen in the Terraform state file

echo "aws_instance.my_ec2.public_ip" | terraform console

Terraform Graph

Produce a PNG diagrams showing relationship and dependencies

terraform graph | dot -Tpng > graph.png

Terraform Cloud

Obtain and save API token for Terraform cloud

terraform login

Log out of Terraform Cloud, defaults to hostname app.terraform.io

terraform logout

Terraform Miscelleneous

Show version

terraform version

Download and update modules in the “root” module.

terraform get -update=true